Friday, February 17, 2012


(In the Middle Ages, the manticore symbolized tyranny and evil)

The tyranny of this fucktard resumes when he got promoted to a slightly higher rank. Since then on he arrogantly talked about the little powers he has. Thinking him so supreme above all that none should question anything when he gave orders. Who the hell he thinks he is? God? Leaders with humility recognize that they are no better or worse than other members of the team. A humble leader is not self-effacing but rather tries to elevate everyone. Leaders with humility also understand that their status does not make them a god. Mahatma Gandhi is a role model for Indian leaders, and he pursued a “follower-centric” leadership role. I have been advised by him not to be too outspoken and so inquisitive. Maybe I was too outspoken as he said but being inquisitive is nothing wrong. Without feel embarrass claiming that he never makes mistake and when even clearly mistake did happened or when things go awry because of him, he without a second thought and bluntly put the blame on others and would never admit that all the wrong doing was done by him. So contradictory from what he likes to say “to err is human”. Isn’t him a human? He also claimed that none is at par with him when it comes to work. Still dare to make such claimed when others forcedly did most of his work. He always bragging about his academic qualification in which actually unrecognized by some. Trying to convince and pursue others with his so-called “philosophy” to cover up his hidden agendas. But you know what? This fucktard only good in preaching but not applying them in his life. He will feel intimidate if one tries to argue with him based on facts and this is when his so-called “philosophy” comes in to right his actions. Preaching on how I should behave as for him a Malay guy like me should be more chivalrous or in another word be more courteous in presenting myself to him. I really have no word to describe my feeling at that particular moment but all I can say is for those who knew me for a long time will say this utterly bullshit as I myself always believe being courteous is vital important in being a Malay and a true gentleman. Demanding high respect from others when he shows much less. He likes to degrade and look down on people. Lecturing about professionalism and integrity when he himself lack of it and God knows what I’m talking about. Does he know that nobody is perfect in whatever aspect that may concern? And obviously I’m not perfect either. I’m not being judgmental or hypercritical; it is just that I don’t understand why he has to be so mean and uncalled for to others. His actions have led some including me to ask for transfer out and some already did transferred because they cant neither tolerate nor compromise with his bullshit attitude. Even one of the senior officers tell a joke that says “For those who work in Timur Laut1 when you die you will never go to hell as Timur Laut is a living hell”. I’m just sick and tired of his attitude, rudeness, incomparable self-aggrandizing and overly sensitive. To be honest I’m tired of being a hypocrite and I hope more and more people will come to their conscious that it is enough to be a hypocrite because the truth will always surface. Trust me when I say that you cannot cheat your way out of this principle. No matter what - people will eventually see through the bullshit.

1Timur Laut aka North East is one out of five districts in State of Penang.

Friday, April 30, 2010

SI DIA + SI TUA= AKU dalam Dilema...

Sesungguhnya AKU dalam dilema, pelbagai cerita yg membisik telingaku....mana satu yang betul? Siapakah yang betul? Siapakah yang salah? Dan kepada siapakan harus aku percaya??? Terlalu banyak persoalan yang bermain dalam fikiranku....AKU binggung, AKU tidak pasti sama ada adakah betul SI DIA yang bercerita ataupun SI TUA yang mengarang cerita supaya timbul persengketaan antara AKU dan SI DIA tetapi yang pasti cerita itu membuatkan AKU benar-benar marah dan sedih sehiggakan aku mengeluarkan kata- kata kesat kepada SI DIA di dalam post ku di dalam facebook...terdetik di dalam hatiku akan mengapa semua ini terjadi...adakah AKU begitu naif untuk dipermainkan oleh SI TUA...atau adakah AKU terlalu mempercayai seseorang insan yang bernama kawan....AKU benar- benar binggung.....AKU tak ingin semua ini terjadi.... AKU tahu SI DIA mungkin bersedih dan bukan niatku untuk membuat sesiapa bersedih....perkara yang berlaku di luar capaian ku....mungkin SI DIA memikirkan AKU lah yang menjaja cerita yang berlaku di sana sini...Sedangkan AKU tidak bercerita kepada sesiapa pun tentang SI DIA yang membuatkan AKU menderita kecuali kepada seseorang yg benar- benar AKU percaya....tetapi ramai yang bersorak cerita tentang SI DIA, AKU hairan....adakah ini salah AKU?? Mengapa ada di antara kita yang harus menderita sedangkan SI TUA bergembira bagaikan maharaja....AKU binggung....

Sesungguhnya AKU buntu akan apa yang perlu AKU lakukan.....Sejujurnya AKU ingin bertanyakan kepada SI DIA akan kebenaran situasi yang melanda diriku tetapi AKU dihalang oleh SI TUA dengan pelbagai dakyah dan ugutan gila, AKU tidak mempunyai pilihan melainkan berdiam diri dan berpura- pura seolah- olah tiada apa yang pernah berlaku....dan itu juga adalah pesanan SI TUA gila....Jika benar bagaikan dikata bahawa SI DIA tidak bersalah mengapa SI DIA tidak datang berjumpa dengan ku...bersemuka menyelesaikan segala sengketa untuk mengelakkan diri AKU dan SI DIA terus terluka dan dilukai dalam permainan SI TUA?....tidakkah SI DIA tahu bahawa sesungguhnya AKU cukup menderita dengan karenah SI TUA selama ini?....ditambah dengan cerita SI TUA mengatakan SI DIA mencerita itu dan ini tentang AKU membuatkan SI TUA menekan diriku dengan pelbagai kata yang mengguris dan merobek jiwaku...adakah SI DIA sedar akan situasi ini?? Syukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa memberikan seorang kawan kepada ku yang sanggup membela AKU dihadapan SI TUA walaupun SI TUA tidak berhenti- henti menyalahkan AKU dan mencari kesalahan ku....lupakah SI TUA akan pertolongan yang AKU berikan kepadanya selama ini??....masih tidak cukupkah apa yang AKU lakukan untuk SI TUA selama ini??...dan adakah SI TUA itu terlalu bodoh untuk menyedarinya....atau mungkin juga semua ini adalah mainan wayang SI TUA supaya semua orang membenci SI DIA....atau memang benar SI DIA yang menyampaikan cerita seperti kata SI TUA??? Aku binggung...

Aku memerlukan kepastian dan kebenaran daripada SI DIA tentang situasi yang berlaku tetapi bagaimana kerana aku sentiasa diperhatikan oleh SI TUA?? walau apa pun yang dikata oleh sesiapa kepada sesiapa, hanya masa yang akan membuktikan semua keraguan kerana yang kepalsuan tetap palsu dan yang benar akan menyinar dan jika AKU bersalah dalam hal ini sesungguhnya AKU memohon maaf....AKU berdoa kepada Yang Esa supaya masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan cara yang paling baik kerana kesudahan yang baik bermula daripada permulaan yang baik....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mr. Diarrhea of the Mouth aka Mouth Diarrhea

Finally... I got some spare times to voice out my thought...working life really tech me a lot about life though it’s only 2 months now....hmmm, I think I better stop being poetic about my life before you all getting sick of it and start saying my thoughts about the topic that I really want to talk about.

After 22 going 23 years living in this world, finally I’ve met the person who suits to be called Mr. MD, he is not Mr. Medical Doctor but he is and always be Mr. Mouth Diarrhea, don’t get me wrong it’s not that I like to name people but sometimes believe it or not certain situation demands you to do so...maybe some of you will said that I talk nonsense...but if you in my place right now then you will know what I meant....anyhow let me explain to you why I called this specific person as Mr. MD.

First, he is a person who thinks no one is better or knowledge wise rather than himself; he likes to pretend like he knows everything and what others said are rubbish but the truth is most of what he said is utterly BULLSHIT and in relevant! Sorry if some of you felt what I said towards him is inappropriate but that is the truth...even so it’s still far from what makes me called him Mr. MD...the main reason is he likes to nag people like a crazy old lady...sometimes he nags all day long for no reasons what so’s just that he makes it as his pleasure to irritate other people with his words....I think he will never ever going to stop nagging to the point even when he sees our ears bleed.....and what’s more he like to yell and curse his subordinate....yes he is a superior but that doesn’t give him a damn right to yell and curse what year do he think he lives in? 1957?? Daaa...its 2010 now, For God sake...can’t he shows some respect!! we are not animals....we are human being that deserve to be respect and to be treated accordingly.

If he thinks himself so ‘intellectual’ and ‘competent’ like he always said... why don’t he acts and be like one rather than torturing other with all the nasty words coming out from his mouth like a shooting diarrhea...even though I’m not one of his subordinates and thank God for that...I just cant stand seeing him nagging around and degraded other which is all my friends. I don’t think he knows the consequences of what he had done will make people around him loathes him to death...I really hope and do pray that sooner or later he will change his irritating attitude for his own good...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Taking Off The Faux Mask

Never put up a faux image.

Sounds simple enough. You’re probably thinking “duh, no need to read this article.” And if this is you, maybe you’re right. Maybe you present yourself honestly — no part is fabricated or false.

The “faux image” has to be the greatest self-sabotaging agent in terms of attraction. Everything from mistrust from others to women being repelled is rooted in it. On top of the social setbacks, it’s responsible for much of the insecurity, sense of inadequacy, and lack of self-esteem one eventually feels.

This bullshit is a poison.

Yet, all of us have had a taste. It’s our go-to medicine when we feel that our core isn’t enough. It’s our quick fix short-cut when we feel like we can get away with it. The real killer is the fact that NONE OF US will admit it.

That’s the tricky thing about facades. Your ego will summon an army to defend and rationalize it before surrendering the lie.

What is a faux image?

Put simply, a faux image is pretending to be something or someone you’re not. Put another way, it’s a social mask to hide your true self.

The image I am talking about is deeper and thicker than the fabric on your back. It is everything that you project with your words, actions, mannerisms, style, lifestyle and more.

For example, are you going around telling people you’re a total player when the prospect of approaching a girl on the street sends chills down your spine? Are you going around telling people you’re a fashionista when you just started developing your style a few weeks ago?

Did you ever get asked about your past love life and exaggerate the figures and stories a little bit? If you can relate to this, then you know what it feels like to manage a faux image.

We’ve all had experiences when we were on the receiving end of such “white lies.” If you’re like me, you probably smile and keep it to yourself, but inside you can easily read that this guy is just an insecure guy who cares too much about what other people think.

An Honest Image Is More Attractive

The paradox of it all is that people will love you more for being honest about yourself than anything you could ever pretend to be.

“Being yourself” is not an excuse to be lazy and stop improving a part of who you are. Nor does it mean going around and showing people all your flaws when it’s not necessary.

It means that if you’re a white belt in a martial art, admit that you’re a white belt. If you’re a purple belt, admit that you’re a purple belt. Don’t go around with a black belt you didn’t earn just so you have the short-term pleasure of telling others that you’re a black belt.

This is where many guys fail. They add things to their stories that didn’t happen to make it more interesting, they pretend they got the girl when she clearly rejected them, they pretend to know something when they have no idea what they are talking about. Everyone sees through it eventually, or it catches up to them to bite them in the ass.

People will ALWAYS give you more respect if you’re honest about where you’re at. They’ll see that you’re a man of integrity, and a person who’s on his way towards consistent growth. Any time that you lie about who you are they’ll lose trust in you, and see that you’re always trying to cheat your way through life.

Making the Most of What You Have RIGHT NOW

When you’re trying to build any aspect of yourself, especially your image, it’s very tempting to pretend to be something that you’re not. We want to feel good about ourselves right NOW, and get to where we want to be as quick as possible, but by doing this we also set ourselves up for failure.

If you’re piling yourself into debt to keep up an image of a stylish guy, you’ll never feel real confidence because you’re continuously looking for the clothes to give you the value you want. The clothes aren’t a garnish to what is already a great dish, the garnish is trying to be the dish.

You will never feel or exude real confidence that women can feel just from your presence alone, because without the external validation you won’t have much self-esteem inside.

The TRUTH Will Always Surface


Who you REALLY are will always surface, even through the smallest details. You may pretend to be an asshole but your courteous side will come through when you open the door for someone. You may pretend to be a player, but your insecurities will come through by the way you respond to a hot girl’s teasing. It’s through these details that give people the greatest window to who you truly are.

For example if one of your friends stole a candy bar right in front of you at a convenience store, you’d be careful trusting that person with anything else. You now know that he doesn’t respect the law and tries to take things without earning it. He might even lie that he paid the guy already when you clearly know that isn’t true. You might see him do the same thing again and again when he thinks you’re not looking.

You’d never think of partnering up with a guy like him in a business because he’ll most likely steal from the company or cheat in some way or another. The little things he does shows volumes about his character. Until he stops trying to cheat the principle that the truth will always surface, he’ll never get trust from people or the kind of respect he wants.

When you lie about your current place, you put yourself in a role which is very tempting not to keep up. By pretending to be more than you are, you’re actually stunting your growth and possibility for REAL change. You now get comfortable because you’re already where you want to be in the eyes of other people, and you’re less motivated to chase the goal now.

9 out of 10 guys will lie about their skills with women. For guys this is a touchy subject, and it’s hard not to. Men attach a lot of self-worth to how good they are with women so they get very defensive about it. But the guys who lie about where they with women will rarely, if ever, have the kind of success they want because they’re too busy keeping up their faux image instead of actually building their skills.

On the other hand, guys who acknowledge themselves a perpetually-learning student, will be looking out for ways to find the next step they need in order to actually build their attraction with women.

The Black Belt vs. the Yellow Belt

Going back to the martial arts example, you know that there is always that guy who just wants to get through the motions as quickly as possible so he can get his damn black belt. He just wants to be able to tell other people he’s a black belt and have a belt to hang up on his wall. He doesn’t care whether or not he earns it, he just wants it as soon as possible.

Then there’s the other guy with a yellow belt who just loves the art and just does it merely for the practice. The belt colors are a good benchmark to strive for but he is patient and does not want to move up until he feels deserving. This guy focuses more time on his stances and moves and learns how to do them properly with precision and proper force.

If these two guys both had a match, the guy with the yellow belt, who really knows how to fight properly, will come out the winner over the black belt who only pretends to be a master. In the end the black belt gets nothing.

Nobody respects him because he doesn’t even respect himself. All he has is a piece of cloth that he has nothing to show for. The guy with the yellow belt gets respect for being the best yellow belt anyone has ever seen, and his Sensei sees that now he even more deserving up moving up rank.

This is the difference between genuine core confidence and self-worth versus a faux image that has no benefit at all.

You may feel highly deserving of a high-caliber girl but you have to really be honest and ask yourself if you yet have the skills to attract this type of woman. Some guys can’t even say hi to a stranger, or talk to a woman on the phone, yet they act like they can get that hot girl walking by if they wanted to.

You Reap What You Sow

Take a look at your life. Is there any area of your life that you spend more energy trying to hold up the false facade of who you are rather than actively pursuing it? Do you TELL more than you SHOW?

If you are not telling the full truth is any area of your life, stop now before you dig yourself deeper and become trapped spending more energy trying to keep up the false image you’ve created rather than using your time becoming that person.

If you don’t believe me, try to outsmart people, try to get away with it. Most people aren’t dumb, if they are social people then they most likely have sharp intuitive skills. The bullshit sensor just goes off whenever somebody is putting up a faux image.

If everyone owned one of these bullshit alarms to call people out on their bullshit the world would be a better place

Whenever you pretend to know someone you don’t, to know information about something you really don’t care about, or be someone you’re not, remember that everyone will eventually see through it.

It doesn’t help you at all because all you’re saying at that moment is “Look at me! I’m insecure about who I am, I’m not good enough, let me try to cheat my way through life, and hopefully I’ll get away with it because I think you’re stupid.”

People close to you will always see through your lies, but usually keep it to themselves to avoid confrontation. They know you’ll just get defensive or get pissed off.

They’ll give you chances to speak the truth but every time you lie they’ll lose trust in you. When a real tough situation comes, nobody will be there to back you up because nobody can be a genuine friend to someone who is not genuine themselves. Nobody respects a person that doesn’t respect themselves. Most people will eventually get sick of your crap and may just cut you out of their lives, or go into the role of just using you for their benefit because you do the same.

This is a scene from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. Kevin Spacey’s character pretends to know things he doesn’t and acts smarter than he is. After giving him chances to stop the bullshit, Al Pacino loses his cool and goes crazy on him. Kevin Spacey has nothing to say because he knows now that everyone can see through his bullshit. He has no way out anymore and has to admit to his real place. Notice how once it’s finally out on the table, people who have been holding back their thoughts come in and agree, like the guy at who comes out at the end and says, “You are a shithead, Williamson”. This scene would have never happened if Kevin Spacey was honest about his abilities and did the best he can to help instead of just trying to hold up a faux image.

“You never open your mouth, till you know what the shot is.”

Some people are so immersed in this way of doing things that they don’t even realize that they are doing it. They have been making excuses all their life and defending the false ego they have created for themselves.

Sometimes you have to go Al-Pacino on yourself.

Talk to yourself from an outside perspective and call yourself out on all your bullshit. You know what is truth and what is not. Don’t even let yourself rationalize or bend the truth to justify some of your actions.

If you want to be a genuinely attractive guy at the core…If you want people to genuinely love having you around…If you want to cause women to feel a natural, indescribable attraction for you…you must be honest about yourself at all times. If you have built up a huge identity for yourself that is false, and you are too embarrassed to admit your real place to your friends, then cut your losses and start over now.

If you continue lying about who you are, you will never become the kind of man you want to be. The principle guarantees it.

As a little experiment this week: practice being honest about everything.

Catch yourself when you lie about something you know, will do, have done, can do, etc. Notice when other people pretend to be something they aren’t and notice how it makes you feel towards them.

I think this is just a big reminder to anyone reading this blog. Image isn’t just your clothing or what’s on the surface. It’s the entire character of who you are, and this is one of those things that can’t go overlooked. So many people do it and they don’t know that it’s ruining their lives.

In other words: you can either live pretending to be someone, or actually work towards becoming that someone.


Monday, April 27, 2009


From: Nadzwan ucing
To: TaQim
Massage: This this THE FIRST TIME I've been tagged....feel kinda wired though!!

Award Rules :
1. Repost this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded.
2. Remember to state where it is came from (the sender).
3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.
4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (it's easier the one who follows you) and post their names in your blog
5. Dont forget to visit their blog and post a massage telling them that they've been tagged!!!

::About Me | Sobre Mi::
1. Thin...perhaps skinny...huhuhu
2. Not too short or not too tall...hmmm..
3. I adore cats...moew!
4. Talkative....sometime people said I talked to much...huhuhu
5. Not a sport person...
6. Love to spend lots of $$$$ whenever I go shopping....juz cant help it...sorry mom!
7. Forever and ever a Muslim...
8. Straight of course...
9. I'm about to work within this year....
10. I love fine dines....

::I'm honored to name these 5 chosen people to be awarded (The Most Wonderful Blog Award)::
1. Zarep (the tag inventor...I guess so!)
2. Alan (the food lover...)
3. Azizul (another food lover)
4. Mizi (shrink-to-be)
5. Saladin 15 (the philosopher)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

FOREVER AND EVER: Zionist Israel The Notorious TERRORIST

The truly barbaric and wanton massacre of the Palestinians in Gaza which started some days ago and is now still continuing and keeps on going is yet another example of the blatant war crimes committed by Zionist Israel since its establishment in 1948.

From then on the Palestinians seem to live with danger striking least expect with no end insight. The Zionist is a menace to the safety of the people especially Muslims people. The Israelis have never treated the Palestinians humanely. They have no qualms when their bombs dropped by the drone planes killed the innocent aged and the young - those that have nothing to do with whatever causes that the Zionist claimed they were fighting for.

Since 911 tragedy Islam was rigously branded as terrorist wherein for a fact we know that it was masterminded to create the “brand name” for Muslims as terrorist. But I strongly believe that the whole tragedy was brilliantly planed by the Zionist. Although the world knows what have them (Zionist) done to the Palestinians people for the past 60 years or so but all these violent acts of terror has been deliberately ignored. The whole world is in the state or denial. This is because the Israel has been supported and encouraged by the United States and Britain, Israel has ignored international condemnation and insists that they have the unfettered right to murder innocent people who were retaliating against the blockade of Gaza. A concrete action must be taken to bring this war criminals to justice. The world must boycott all Israeli products and stop all trade with Israel. Maybe this way Israeli power can be cut down to size.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamed once said ““Terrorism” is going to be a part of the world scene for a very, very long time” and I say it will never going to end if we Muslims people don’t stay together in unity to stand Zionist the notorious TERRORIST…

Friday, December 5, 2008

What is CHIKUNGUNYA fever?

Chikungunya fever is a viral illness that is spread by the bites of infected mosquitoes. Chikungunya fever typically lasts from five to seven days and frequently causes severe and often incapacitating joint pain which sometimes persists for much longer periods. It is rarely life-threatening. There is no specific treatment for the disease but analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication may be used to reduce the pain and swelling. Aspirin should be avoided.

There is no vaccine against this virus, so preventive measures depend entirely on avoiding mosquito bites which occur mainly during the daytime, and eliminating mosquito breeding sites.

To avoid mosquito bites:

wear clothes that cover as much skin as possible;
use mosquito repellents on exposed skin and on clothing in accordance with label instructions;
use mosquito nets to protect babies, older and sick people and others who rest during the day. The effectiveness of mosquito nets can be improved by treating them with WHO-recommended insecticides.
use mosquito coils and insecticide vaporizers during the daytime.
The Aedes mosquitoes that transmit chikungunya virus breed in a wide variety of rain-filled containers which are common around human dwellings and workplaces, such as water storage containers, saucers under potted plants and drinking bowls for domestic animals, as well as discarded tyres and food containers.

To reduce mosquito breeding:

remove discarded containers from around the house;
for containers that are in use, turn them over or empty every 3–4 days to prevent mosquito breeding including any water-filled containers indoors. Alternatively, completely cover them to keep out mosquitoes

(*This articles was taken from World Health Organization (WHO) Official Website)

Monday, September 15, 2008

10 great goals to set for this Ramadan…

1. Eat, drink and be moderate

Almost all of us do it - once Iftar time hits, we just keep plowing food and drink into our mouths till it’s hard to move afterwards. And those of us who do it know this is totally contrary to the spirit of Ramadan, through which we’re supposed to learn self-control not self-indulgence. Let’s try to stick to the Prophetic rule on eating: fill our stomachs with one-third food, one-third water and one-third breathing space, even in Ramadan.

2. Give a ringgit a day in charity…or five or ten

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was always generous but even more so in Ramadan. Let’s open our hearts and dig a little deeper in our wallets this year. Even less than a ringgit a day adds up. Whatever you can give, it’s the intention that counts.

3. Memorize 4 new Surahs

Memorizing the Quran often seems like a daunting task. But the key is doing it in small bites. Since there are four weeks in Ramadan, try to memorize one new Surah a week. Start off with a short, easy one. Once you’ve started, you’ll build momentum and may even want to memorize a longer one the following week.

4. Go to Tarawih prayers

Post-Iftar, the first urge is to sleep after an exhausting day. But try your best to head out to the mosque for Tarawih prayers. Praying alone is wonderful, but doing it in congregation is fantastic. The community spirit is part of Ramadan’s blessings. Don’t miss it this year. If going every day is not possible, try going at least one week.

5. Attend the Tarawih prayer in which the recitation of the Quran will be finished

Call the local mosque and find out which day the Imam will be finishing the recitation of the Quran in prayer. Attend to not only hear part of the Quran’s recitation in prayer, but also participate in the heart-rending Duas that follow it.

6. Stop swearing and/or backbiting – with a special box

It’s hard not to shoot our mouths off when someone’s upset us. Whether we utter those four-letter words or backbite about someone to our family and friends, we know this isn’t the God-approved way of letting off steam. In Ramadan, when we want to build our spirituality, we’ve got to wage Jihad against our bad habits.

Try this: get a box and every time you catch yourself swearing or backbiting put some money in it. It could be a buck or less. The point is to choose an amount that makes it feel like punishment. At the end of the month send the money to a charity or buy a gift for the person whom you’ve backbitten the most against.

7. Call/ email your relatives

You’d think that given the easy access to email, competitive long-distance calling rates, phone cards, etc. these days, we’d keep in touch with family and friends more often. But the opposite seems to be the case, as we get caught up in life’s “busyness.” Strengthening ties with family members and keeping in touch with friends is part of our way of life and an act Allah is very pleased with. This Ramadan, call family and friends or at least email them a Ramadan card and ask them how their fasting is going.

8. Go on a technology diet

Even if you work in the IT industry, you can do this. Avoid checking personal email and surfing the web during your fast. After Iftar, instead of plopping yourself in front of the screen, go to Tarawih. The same goes for the television. The point is to try to give our full attention to spiritual elevation this month.

9. Read 5 minutes of Quran a day…just five, not more, not less

Even if you feel you’ve got absolutely no time, set a timer or the alarm on your cell phone and find a relatively quiet place. You can read the first page of the Quran you open or follow a sequence. The choice is yours. The point is simply to connect with God through His revelation in the month of the Quran.

10. Forgive everyone who has hurt you

Still got a festering wound from the fight with your friend last year? Or are you still bitter about the way your parents sometimes treated you as a kid? Let go of the anger and pain this Ramadan and forgive those who have hurt you. Forgiving someone is not only good for the body, but it’s also great for the soul. And in Ramadan, ten days of which are devoted to Allah’s forgiveness, shouldn’t we lesser beings forgive too?

If you find it very difficult to forgive everyone, forgive at least three people.

Ramadan blessings…

The gracious month of Ramadan has started and it’s almost 2 weeks now. Alhamdulillah everything going smoothly without any problem from dawn until dusk. I’m so grateful to Allah for being able to spend a week with my family during the early of Ramadan. For me nothing can compare the feeling of fasting (sawm) with your love ones especially with your family…the feeling is unexplainable. I felt so blessed. But now I’m back in Taiping, Perak where I’m doing my practical and I just hate be in Taiping during Ramadan. I’m tired of going alone to hotel everyday for iftar (fast-breaking)…makes me feel bored and lonely. I just want to be with my family during Ramadan but what can I do, I have to be here. There are no excuses for me of not being here. Maybe with this kind of condition will teach me to be more independent and more matured and also enable me to learn the true spirit of Ramadan ….hopefully. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims in the world have a blessed Ramadan and may you all find strength and guidance in your prayers and let us strengthen our faith during this gracious month of Ramadan…

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friendship vs. Woman…

Once again the question is WHY? Why, why and why men have to fight each other just because of God’s creation called WOMAN? Why? Until this moment I still don’t get it…still don’t have the answer. Just imagine a person who we used to call friend turn to be our enemy just because a woman….doesn’t friendship means anything to him? Or maybe for him a woman is far more important than a friendship. I know even the best maintained friendships can end but why it has to end just because of a woman? For me it’s totally utterly absurd for a man to sacrifice his friendship for a woman. Oh God….please give me strength to face all this situations and please dear God help him to realize that friendship is far more valuable and important compare to a woman who he met just for a few days…I hope that this conflict can be resolved for this friendship to continue…